Sherri is passionate about leveraging health technology and data for patient engagement, care collaboration and decision support.
For more than 20 years, Sherri has consulted with healthcare companies on making strategic investments in digital solutions and experiences for patients, family caregivers and the care teams across care settings.
Sherri has consulted for healthcare technology, health plan and healthcare delivery clients including Philips Healthcare /Lifeline Systems, GE Healthcare, Wolters Kluwer Health, Partners’ Center for Connected Health, World Clinic Telemedicine Services,, IMS Health,, Aetna, UnitedHealth and Humana.
Sherri's expertise with product roadmaps, journey maps & marketing/sales messaging for health tech solutions and experiences:
- Care at Home: #Digitalhealth #VirtualCare #Telehealth #RemotePatientMonitoring #RPM #HospitalatHome
- #Cancercare #Oncologycare
- #WomensHealth & #FamilyHealth
- Senior & #Caregivers: #AgingTech
- Care Delivery: #CareCoordination, #CareCollaboration Patient Generated Health Data #PGHD
- Behavioral Health
Sherri is a TechStars Boston advisor, helping emerging health technology companies with business, product and marketing strategies.
She has served as a member of HiMSS and is participating on two task forces; Provider- Patient Engagement and Patient Generated Health Data.
For 7 years, Sherri participated in the Parent Advisory Board for an 18 office Pediatric Group (part of Partners' Healthcare), providing ideas, insight and feedback on new online consumer educational tools to support health decisions.
Sherri has moderated many conference panels including World Congress Leadership Summit, Healthcare Unbound and Partners' Center for Connected Health Symposium. She has also planned and run workshops on digital health at several conferences.
She has participated on the Massachusetts eHealth Institute (MeHi) Consumer Engagement Workgroup and the Healthcare Advisory Boards for the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council.
Sherri was a faculty advisor for Harvard University/MIT's class on Enabling Technology Innovation in Healthcare for six years where she has advised student teams on peer-to-peer online patient communities, an online diabetes community solution, a multi-channel consumer wellness offering, a patient self- management initiative, a mobile mental health solution for students, a care shopping transparency tool and a mobile solution to engage employees.
Sherri has a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, and an MBA in MIS/Database/Decision Support from Drexel University.