"You Don't Know Jack"... Missed Opportunities to Engage Him

Let me tell you about Jack…
Last week, Jack celebrated his 54th birthday with his wife and two teenage girls. His daughter Alyssa told him to "try not to finish the cake when no one is looking”. Jack has packed on the pounds in the past few years and is currently 60+ pounds overweight. Alyssa teased her father about how many miles he will need to bike to work off the extra slices. Jack’s wife Joan is concerned since she knows that he is at risk for Diabetes.
Several months ago Jack complained to his doctor that he was disgusted with his weight and was ready to make a change. Over the last few years, Jack tried several diets but he still doesn't make the right dietary decisions. Jack told his doctor that he was considering bariatric surgery and asked for a referral to meet with a surgeon. Maybe his doctor could have “prescribed information” for Jack such as watching a video on a weight loss approach which has been successful for others like Jack or signing up for a eNewsletter with tips to control his weight through diet and exercise from a "trusted source".
Jack’s Health Plan is after him to participate in their Pre- Diabetes Program but Jack would rather focus on other health issues. Jack can’t stop thinking about the bariatric surgery. He is worried about taking such a big step but does not know about other less invasive options. Jack is not aware of the “decision support tools” that his health plan has online since he has not been to the member portal in years. He also ignores the mass produced print and eNewsletters since they do not address his specific interests. He had to contact this health plan to obtain the referral to the specialist but has not received any information from them which will help him understand his options.
Jack’s employer launched a wellness incentive program with weekly on-site challenges offering rewards for his “steps”. Unfortunately, Jack travels frequently and misses these competitions. He bikes on weekends but that is not part of his employer’s wellness incentive program.
When he has time, Jack visits an online community of people interested in weight loss. Too bad this website does not have a sub-community of business travelers since this “segment” has the same challenges with eating out every meal and having limited time to work out.
There are many opportunities to step in to educate, engage and motivate Jack to follow the path to better health. What can you do to get to know and help Jack?
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