Series: Engagement Path #1- Teach Me

Most healthcare organizations believe they are effectively providing information to educate consumers about their health. In reality, they are in “broadcast” mode, sending out their communications from many sources in which that are telling “all consumers” about everything.
“They are sending me so many communications and I have such little time to look at them.”
“It is frustrating sorting through all of their health information to find what I need to manage my health”.
“I want sign up to receive certain health alerts on my mobile phone since I am not at my computer very often.”
“Teach Me” Opportunity: Provide a comprehensive yet personalized selection of health education information and tools, that is written at a level that patients can understand, is delivered through online and mobile channels and enables two- way communication.
Engagement in Action:
In order to share different approaches with you, I have selected a few examples which demonstrate how various decision support and social media tools are being utilized to educate the consumer.
- Mayo Clinic has launched their Medical Edge Weekend, online radio show led by specialists discussing selected topics while patients engage through email and twitter to share comments and questions. Mayo also offers “patient friendly” podcasts organized by topics such as “Women’s Health”, “Men’s Health” and “Children’s Health” as well as different conditions.
- American Heart Association has designed the “Profilers” tools to help consumers understand their treatment options. Each question begins with an overview to make sure she is informed before responding. The tool captures personalized information and provides a customized report to share with my doctor for a more in- depth discussion.
- The Eat This Not That tool is designed to teach the consumer about food choices. Consumers are challenged to get the right answer by evaluating the two options placed side by side. With the ticking clock, consumers are rewarded with more points when making the right choice faster. Although the depth of questions in each category (e.g. breakfast, snack, dessert) is not yet available, the tool succeeds in engaging while teaching the consumer about making better food choices.
- CDC has created a FLU IQ Widget which is a tool to test for knowledge for getting and spreading the flu. The widget delivers 10 questions in succession, and gives the correct answer after each one. At the end of the quiz, a final score (out of 10) is displayed along with a message to challenge others which helps spread the learning. This is truly viral!
Each example above offers only a piece of the puzzle. For the full picture, companies need to bring the consumer into the development process and understand their overall need for education from the “outside in”. This insight will help guide the development of a complete solution with new capabilities for communication, collaboration and personalization to “teach” the consumer.
Read about other key engagement drivers:
#2: "Support Me"
#4: "Challenge Me"
#5: "Reward Me"
Leading Consumers to Better Health: Engagement Series Overview

Overwhelmed. Anxious. Confused. Concerned. Conflicted.
And now you are asking me to sign up to attend your online weight loss seminar? Join your online cancer support group? Become a Facebook fan? Follow you on Twitter? Listen to your new podcast on staying healthy? Watch your latest video on risk factors for diabetes? Read your enewsletter loaded with tips for managing my cholesterol? You wonder why I am ignoring you if you are only trying to help me.
How about sending me information about the health issue that is my highest priority? And giving me tools to help me make decisions about which treatment to choose?
Engagement looks very different when viewed through the eyes of the consumer. It is essential for healthcare organizations to gain the consumer’s perspective about ways to engage them before investing their limited resources (money & people) in portals, social media and mobile initiatives.
Although your company can benefit from reading the latest industry research to understand trends and participation in these emerging technologies, your set of customers are very different than the general populations surveyed. Your customers have a unique demographic, set of health needs and technology comfort. You must understand their evolving needs before determining the steps to engage them.
In this series, I will lead you down different paths to see how innovative organizations are engaging their target consumers in their health.
Discovering New Paths for Engagement...

Innovation is occurring all around us. Companies are actively exploring new ways to engage the consumers. They are "testing" eHealth solutions targeted to different audiences and are learning what is required to get consumers to participate in their own health. These companies are borrowing approaches from various industries as they "package" and deliver needed capabilities to consumers through the appropriate channels. With effective online tools and personalized information, companies are influencing the consumer's "decisions of daily living" and impacting their behavior to achieve better health.
Over the past ten years in the health technology industry, I have built a network of colleagues who are also passionate about the consumer. Through this blog, I will be tapping into my network to bring new perspectives into the changes that are driving our market. And during my ongoing discovery into innovative offerings, I will "connect the dots" and synthesize the value of these products for the consumer as well as share new and thought provoking ideas to get you thinking about what is to come. I invite you to come along for the journey...